AiW is an acronym for Allies in War. We are a large group of mostly east coast players and a CS team in Kansas. AiW maintains a set of servers located in the Washington DC area. Our CZ and CSS clan was formed in 2006 from the combining of  two clans.  We are a CAL-O clan that is coming up in the CAL ranks each season but we enjoy our pubbing as much as league play.  AiW believes our strength lies in our community of regular players and our house sponsored clans that game on our servers.  We are committed to our members and community to give them the best gaming experience on the net.  Some of the ways we achieve that are: restricting the server to 18 or older, restricting the AWP, using a download accelerator to make faster connections, reserved player slots, and tight admin control of the gaming.  At AiW we won't tolerate anything that takes away from the fun of the game, like racism, female harassment, player disputes, ignoring mission objectives, team killing, cheating or being  a general ass.  We accomplish this with a group of very seasoned adult admins. 

If you were looking for information about one of our House Clans then please click this link, If you would like to be added to our house clan page then please post in the Server Discussion thread.